I believe there are seven key principles that will help you to use ArchiCAD to its best effect. However, this program will become your friend and trusted assistant when you understand and follow the Best Practices for using ArchiCAD. ArchiCAD is a complex tool, and many users have felt the same way. God, I hate doing this over and over again.Have you ever said to yourself (or a colleague): But so often I see our clients doing things the long way around, fighting ArchiCAD because they don’t understand how to best take advantage of its structure and its philosophy.

Now, to begin, I must ask you a question:

To celebrate this milestone in my journey, and to thank the 900+ people from 68 countries around the world who have signed up for the Best Practices Course or the QuickStart Course to date, on this website I’m going to share with you some of my very favorite (and most powerful) tutorials, tips and tricks. I’ve learned so much about course development, video production, website design, online membership systems, internet marketing, and community-building. After more than 20 years as a reseller working with local clients in California, I took the plunge and became a full-time author, trainer and consultant. In the fall of 2010, I decided to dedicate myself to helping ArchiCAD users around the world to use the program better.

What are the Best Practices for working with ArchiCAD?